There really should be a law! We've all seen them. This newer style of jeans, that from the knee down resemble any other style of jeans that have been around for years. But, go above the knee and these jeans stop just short of where the other jeans call the waistline. On some people they look great, accenting a great body and are age appropriate. In other instances however, well let's be kind here and say that the outcome is far less attractive. Which brings me to the question (and the question that we have all asked in our heads), 'who should wear low-rise jeans'?
To me the answer is obvious: Women who have the body for it. But how do you know if you have the what it takes to pull it off? The first red flag would be, that if when trying on a pair of low-rise jeans you say to yourself 'I'm just not sure about this'? Take them off! If you are going to walk around in public in the sexy things you must first have the confidence to make it work. Nothing is worse than a woman wearing a hot pair of low-rise jeans and covering them up with an extra long t-shirt. Case in point: If you've got it, flaunt it. And if you don't got it, keep it covered up.
Another thing to keep in mind is that nobody wants to see their Grandma strutting around in a pair of low-rise jeans either. I'm not saying that just because you are a grandparent you can't look great. But unless it is 'Silver Singles Night' down at the bingo hall, keep your midriff behind a cosy wool cat sweater. And just because you are between the ages 18 and 40 doesn't make it alright to sport a pair of low-riser's either. We have all seen the young woman around town, walking around like she owns the place. We have also seen her not-so flat ab's, and her no-so-covered-up butt-crack as well. This should be outlawed! Just because your friends say you look great, doesn't mean that you do. You, and only you, should know if you can look sexy in a pair of low-rise jeans. F.Y.I. low-rise jeans were created to draw attention the body, and some people are better off keeping the attention pointed elsewhere. (you know who you are).
My final point would be this: Do the world a favour and wear low-rise jeans, if and only if, you know for sure that you look super-sexy-hot in them. But please, do not even attempt to wear them if there is the slight chance that you will cause people to become nauseous, offended, scared, make babies cry or have mirrors shatter in your presence. With just the right amount of common sense, we should never have to ask who should wear low-rise jeans. It's a no-brainer.
Happy shopping!
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